Monday, February 6, 2012

Batshit crazy or shocked?

Why is it when a man does something nice for us we automatically start going over any and everything in our mind that they possibly could have done wrong? I don't just mean some random guy off the street.. I mean the significant ones in our lives such as boyfriends, husband and male friends.. Basically anyone of the male gender. I ask this because I find myself getting very paranoid when my husband does something helpful without having to be asked. I start with "OMG, am I dying?" and move on to "Did that fucking prick cheat on me?" in a matter of minutes. I have no reason to think such things. He's never given me reason to ask such craziness.. I still do though and I have found out that many of my female friends do the same. Is it because it is such a rare occurance that they do ANYTHING to make our lives easier or is it because we are just simply batshit crazy? I lean more towards the first option.. Who knows? My sanity has always been questionable and in all honesty the older I get and the more children I have.. The more I understand why my mother fell out of the crazy tree head first..

So, what do you think? Batshit crazy or shocked?

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